Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Where is my Desire?

So I'm at work reading the latest book my PI gave me, and I'm listening to music as a song I haven't heard in forever came on. It was Close by Jeremy Riddle. And at the end of his song he sings "I must see more of you".
And I got to thinking... When was the last time that I cried out with that kind of passion. I must say I thinks its been awhile. But that is not what I want from my self. The last thing I want is to be a sideline Christian. But at times I think thats where I'm headed. Where is the passion and fire that burn so furiously only a few short months ago. I still want more of God, but I feel like I'm burning with desire anymore.

So homework for MiniMug. Find out were that flame started flickering and rebuild the fire.

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