Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Feelings that don't define me

Uggg. so lets just run down the list of things I feel right now.


But I will not let things feelings define how I live my life. I refuse to let this world definition of success ruin my self confidence. I may not be the smartest, quickest, most personable individual on the face of this earth, but that does not mean that I am in anyway insignificant or worthless. No I don't win everytime, but I will not let my self quit. I don't quit, I can't quit. I have been amazingly and undeservingly been graced with the potential to be something great were it matters- in the kingdom. And I will not let myself grow weary in reaching that goal. These feelings of doubts will not define me and my attitude.
I refuse.. I REFUSE...

God has my path.. and it's like the light of dawn.. It just keeps getting brighter and brighter! I know this.. And I defiantly believe this...Jesus you Light up my sky. because of you I am..
At Peace.Blessed.Loved.Forgiven.Carried.Strengthened.Lifted Up.Helped.Filled with Joy.Saved.Heaven Bound.Supported.
Victorious.Humbled.Righteous.Patient.Faithful.Thankful.Filled with Awe and Praise.Floored.Ecstatic.I am Heaven Bound!